Em nossos dias, o projeto de requalificação do edifício para fins culturais foi concebido por Darcy Ribeiro em 1983 quando secretário de Cultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sendo viabilizado no ano seguinte por um convênio entre os ministérios da Cultura brasileiro e francês. As obras de restauro ficaram a cargo de equipes especializadas, que trabalharam a partir das plantas originais.
It is an imposing neoclassical solar, designed by Grandjean de Montigny, a member of "French Artistic Mission" (1816) and professor at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Commissioned by John VI of Portugal in 1819 for the installation of the first Commerce Square in the city of Rio de Janeiro, was inaugurated on May 13, 1820. It was the scene of the episode known as the "Butcher of Braganza" (April 21, 1821), in which troops of the Prince RegentPeter (future Emperor Pedro I of Brazil) raided the place and dispersed ademonstration in favor of the permanence of the Portuguese court in the country.
In our day, the project of upgrading the building for cultural purposes was designed by Darcy Ribeiro in 1983 when Secretary of Culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the following year made possible by an agreement between theBrazilian Ministry of Culture and French. The restoration works were in charge of specialized teams, which worked from the original plans.
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