Vários eventos históricos aconteceram nas salas do Palácio, tais como a morte do presidente Afonso Pena, em 1909; a assinatura da declaração de guerra contra a Alemanha em 1917, durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial; a visita e hospedagem do cardeal Pacelli, futuro papa Pio XII, em 1934; a declaração de guerra contra o Eixo, na Segundo Guerra Mundial, em 1942; o suicídio do presidente Getúlio Vargas, em 1954, com um tiro no coração, em seu aposento no terceiro andar do palácio, entre outros.
The Presidential Palace is located in the neighborhood of the same name in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Built at the time the Republic of Brazil. The Catete Palace,was the seat of executive power from 1897 to 1960, when he transferred toBrasilia. At the time, from the 1970s, its dependencies now house the Museumof the Republic. Before it was built as the residence of the family of Luso-Brazilian coffee farmer Antonio Clemente Pinto (Baron of Nova Friburgo), the then capital of the Empire of Brazil.
Several historical events took place in the halls of the Palace, such as the death of President Afonso Pena, in 1909, the signing of the declaration of war against Germany in 1917 during the First World War, and hosting the visit of CardinalPacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, in 1934, the declaration of war against the Axisin the Second World War in 1942, the suicide of President Getulio Vargas in 1954, with a bullet through the heart in his room on the third floor of the palace,among others.
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