Called by Europeans as Rat Island, there have worked for the guardhouse tax, which served the port of the then capital of the Empire in the century. XIX.Counselor Jose Antonio Saraiva Ministry of Finance has requested the construction of a customs office to control the goods to be imported and exported through the port of Rio de Janeiro, then capital of the empire. The position of the island was very comfortable for Customs inspectors, due to proximity, and the transfer of goods to be executed by tiny vessels without majordifficulties. Opened: April 27, 1889 in the presence of Emperor Fiscal Island is located inside the Guanabara Bay, bordering the historic city center of Rio de Janeiro. The island celebrated the homecoming of the last great monarchy in the 09th November 1889, in honor of the officers of the Chilean ship "AlmiranteCochrane", before the Proclamation of the Republic on November 15, 1889. But in fact, celebrating the silver anniversary of Princess Isabel and Count d'Eu.Furthermore, the intention of the Viscount of Ouro Preto, Chairman of the council of ministers, was to make this an unforgettable dance, to strengthen the positionof the Empire, against the republican conspiracies.
Taxista da linda e maravilhosa cidade do Rio de Janeiro há 10 (dez) anos, convido a você amigo (a) a vir visitar nossa cidade e caso não tenha um condutor para levá-lo aos mais diversos pontos turísticos de nossa cidade, posso com certeza orientá-lo aos mais diversificados pontos da cidade como: restaurantes, boates, parques, praias e caso venha a trabalho, posso buscá-lo em aeroportos e rodoviária e levá-lo aos destinos como: escritório, hotéis e restaurantes.
Rio de Janeiro
Deus é um artista. E o Rio, a sua obra-prima. A primeira pincelada foi azul: o mar. A tinta verde espirrou na tela e se espalhou por uma grande área: a floresta. Depois vieram as montanhas e mais água correndo por elas: as cachoeiras. Nesse cenário, eram necessários personagens especiais. Foi aí que nasceram os cariocas com seu bom humor: quando o asfalto chegou, a paisagem não mudou. Afinal, o Rio tem a maior floresta urbana do planeta. De sua área total, 18% é puro verde. Só o carioca tem o privilégio de voltar do trabalho pela orla da praia, com o sol morrendo atrás do Morro Dois Irmãos, para nascer depois, ainda mais bonito, no Arpoador. E quando chega o fim de semana pode escolher entre
God is an artist. And
Orkut: rogeriotaxistarj
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- RogeRio Taxi e Turismo no Rio de Janeiro
- Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Taxista a 12 (doze) anos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e conhecedor de muitas atividades a serem aproveitadas e degustadas por você amigo (a). Os melhores pontos turísticos, restaurantes, hotéis, praias, tudo o que você precisar para ter uma ótima estadia e uma ótima impressão de nossa cidade e hospitalidade.
Taxi Driver
quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2011
Called by Europeans as Rat Island, there have worked for the guardhouse tax, which served the port of the then capital of the Empire in the century. XIX.Counselor Jose Antonio Saraiva Ministry of Finance has requested the construction of a customs office to control the goods to be imported and exported through the port of Rio de Janeiro, then capital of the empire. The position of the island was very comfortable for Customs inspectors, due to proximity, and the transfer of goods to be executed by tiny vessels without majordifficulties. Opened: April 27, 1889 in the presence of Emperor Fiscal Island is located inside the Guanabara Bay, bordering the historic city center of Rio de Janeiro. The island celebrated the homecoming of the last great monarchy in the 09th November 1889, in honor of the officers of the Chilean ship "AlmiranteCochrane", before the Proclamation of the Republic on November 15, 1889. But in fact, celebrating the silver anniversary of Princess Isabel and Count d'Eu.Furthermore, the intention of the Viscount of Ouro Preto, Chairman of the council of ministers, was to make this an unforgettable dance, to strengthen the positionof the Empire, against the republican conspiracies.
quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011
I'm happy to see and access the Internet through the hope to benefit me, as well as all Cariocas, Fluminense and tourists, of infrastructure works that are all over the city of Rio de Janeiro, either by: South Zone West Zone, North Zone and Baixada Fluminense. The great legacy of this government that they support and are glad to see working with equal rights (rich and poor, black and white). I hope all these changes that are happening, then they are not forgotten by the publicregarding the maintenance. As everyone knows I am a taxi driver and supportany investment in highways and mass transit. Via Super deserve a decent,worthy of a Rio Metro (to be called a subway), bus lines and finally decentalternative transportation and settled with their drivers respect traffic laws.Ending recommend to all patience and caution when transiting near these works,because in some places is great congestion and rush of many can generate alittle headache.
sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011
The building was remodeled years later and finally demolished in 30 years, to give way to the current, due to the works and electrification expansion. Now ittrains leave from different stations, linking the center to the other neighborhoods of the north and west of Rio de Janeiro, and also the municipalities of theBaixada Fluminense, including the extension Saracuruna / Gramacho, whichoriginally came out of the garage of the Baron of Maua , belonging to the formerEstrada de Ferro Leopoldina.
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011
Everything in life has to offer is and always will be a summary of our actions and decisions, so be sure to be helpful, polite, request, friendly and above allperseverance. In the day we live in, bad talk to our neighbors, very nastily: goodday!, Good afternoon! or goodnight when we find them in the elevator or on the street corner. Socialize more with people, so that we can know better and do notenvy you for purchasing a new car, a TV LED or even a trip there ... in the lake region. Perseveraça have personality and that each day was lived and ever will be a learning experience. God gave us the power to decide our lives in order tolove everyone as ourselves. I'm sure thinking about the collective, to tread amore human and happy life. Think of others as if I were you ...
You know where it comes from the slogan "made in the thigh?"
The expression used to denote the idea that something is being done or wasdone with little or no care, hastily or without the quality that should be done. At the time of colonial Brazil, when slaves fashioned roof tiles of houses, the mold for the making of these tiles were his own thighs. As one was different, the tileswere all different, so the roof did not get a uniform format and tone of these roofswere not good. It looked (today) that had been done with little quirk.
This is one explanation for the expression to the thighs, which took on the senseof something done without great care, or something awkward results.
Vários eventos históricos aconteceram nas salas do Palácio, tais como a morte do presidente Afonso Pena, em 1909; a assinatura da declaração de guerra contra a Alemanha em 1917, durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial; a visita e hospedagem do cardeal Pacelli, futuro papa Pio XII, em 1934; a declaração de guerra contra o Eixo, na Segundo Guerra Mundial, em 1942; o suicídio do presidente Getúlio Vargas, em 1954, com um tiro no coração, em seu aposento no terceiro andar do palácio, entre outros.
The Presidential Palace is located in the neighborhood of the same name in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Built at the time the Republic of Brazil. The Catete Palace,was the seat of executive power from 1897 to 1960, when he transferred toBrasilia. At the time, from the 1970s, its dependencies now house the Museumof the Republic. Before it was built as the residence of the family of Luso-Brazilian coffee farmer Antonio Clemente Pinto (Baron of Nova Friburgo), the then capital of the Empire of Brazil.
Several historical events took place in the halls of the Palace, such as the death of President Afonso Pena, in 1909, the signing of the declaration of war against Germany in 1917 during the First World War, and hosting the visit of CardinalPacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, in 1934, the declaration of war against the Axisin the Second World War in 1942, the suicide of President Getulio Vargas in 1954, with a bullet through the heart in his room on the third floor of the palace,among others.
Em nossos dias, o projeto de requalificação do edifício para fins culturais foi concebido por Darcy Ribeiro em 1983 quando secretário de Cultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sendo viabilizado no ano seguinte por um convênio entre os ministérios da Cultura brasileiro e francês. As obras de restauro ficaram a cargo de equipes especializadas, que trabalharam a partir das plantas originais.
It is an imposing neoclassical solar, designed by Grandjean de Montigny, a member of "French Artistic Mission" (1816) and professor at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Commissioned by John VI of Portugal in 1819 for the installation of the first Commerce Square in the city of Rio de Janeiro, was inaugurated on May 13, 1820. It was the scene of the episode known as the "Butcher of Braganza" (April 21, 1821), in which troops of the Prince RegentPeter (future Emperor Pedro I of Brazil) raided the place and dispersed ademonstration in favor of the permanence of the Portuguese court in the country.
In our day, the project of upgrading the building for cultural purposes was designed by Darcy Ribeiro in 1983 when Secretary of Culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the following year made possible by an agreement between theBrazilian Ministry of Culture and French. The restoration works were in charge of specialized teams, which worked from the original plans.